This Sun Dagger is only one of several that are found in a crevice created between two parts of a single massive boulder. The small enclosed area to the side of a larger canyon where these sun daggers are found is the location of an ancient Puebloan shrine and attendant calendric and petroglyph area that is undoubtedly part of the larger Chacoan calendar mechanism that spans literally hundreds of square miles and marks not only annual solar stages of the seasons, but also the 19.5 year lunar stanstill cycle wherein every 9 years or so the moon remains in the same place for a period of some months.. A good film to watch to understand how these complexes are built and to what intent is "Mystery of Chaco Canyon" narrated by Robert Redford. Another calendar pueblo is found at the base of the "Chimney Rocks" found in Southern Colorado, just west of Pagosa Springs and off of highway 160. Soon we will post the film we took of the spectacular lunar standstill that ocurred between the two towers on December 21, 2007.
We recently attempted to contact the Solstice Project and help them be aware that this special canyon exists. We called their number and sent an email to their address posted on the Solstice project's website that included several images of the area. However, this was to no avail, as there was no response. If anyone reading this has any idea how to contact Anna Sofar and the solstice project, please do so and direct their attention to this website. Thank you.